Health Recovery 

I-DareToLive ensures healing because the focus is on treating the cause of mental health disorders and lifestyle diseases to eliminate the symptoms and teach you how to prevent your problems from recurring.

Get a step-by-step guide to benefit from the material. Additionally, you can complete an assessment and get a personalized treatment plan for health.

We provide a 2 and 3-month health recovery program that includes therapy and daily support to ensure your recovery. 

Health Recovery

Seminars & Workshops

  • Brain-health to experience total wellness
  • Stress, trauma recovery
  • Depression and anxiety recovery
  • Increase you brain power and be amazing!
  • Brain rewiring to change thoughts, motivation, and behavior
  • Brain-based learning to improve study ability
  • Preventing and treating lifestyle diseases
  • Brain-power in God’s service


Responders Training

This IDL Responders Training is a specialist course for persons who want to work with other people in their community or in business to educate all employees on mind-body-spirit health, thus boosting brain performance and total wellness, as well as preventing and treating specific mental health disorders.

The IDL training will enhance the work of the Employee Assistance Program and improve company and organizational human resource.


We Walk the Rough Times with You!


On the Road To Recovery
